Customer Testimonials

JT Dixon offers a comprehensive range of packaging and industrial supplies to its customers throughout the Greater Geelong Region, Melbourne, Ballarat, the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast Shire.

JT Dixon takes great pride in offering cost effective customer centric solutions, with a reputation for providing great customer service and free local delivery.

What some of our customers say about us….

Clarence – Caron Labs

J. T. Dixon has been a pleasure to deal with and always provides excellent customer service.

J. T. Dixon are fast, flexible and always go the extra mile to assist with our Packaging and printing needs.


James – Meredith Diary

To all the Staff & Management at JT Dixon

I would just like to thank you for all your hard work with getting us prompt deliveries and always having required stock on hand.
In releasing 4 new product lines this year your service was impeccable with meeting all deadlines with packaging for little fuss.

With having consistent staff members always makes my life a lot easier as I can deal with people I know by name and who understand how the dairy runs.

Keep up the great work!


Steve – C.E. Bartlett

J.T. Dixon have been supplying C.E.Bartlett for a number of years now and have always provided us with a great product range with competitive pricing and always deliver on time.